Softly, as I leave you


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

1980 Elvis Aaron Presley (cd 3)
1995 Walk a mile in my shoes: the essential 70’s masters (cd 5)

Testo Della Canzone

Softly, as I leave you di Elvis Presley

Frank Sinatra1998 The complete reprise studio recordings -disk 8

Softly, I will leave you softly
For my heart would break if you should wake and see me go
So I leave you softly, long before you miss me
Long before your arms can beg me stay
For one more hour or one more day
After all the years, I can’t bear the tears to fall
So, softly as I leave you there

(Softly, long before you kiss me)
(Long before your arms can beg me stay)
(For one more hour) or one more day
After all the years, I can’t bear the tears to fall
So, softly as I leave you there
As I leave I you there
As I leave I you there

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