I want home


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

1967 Turn around look at us
1969 Rare precious & beautiful 3
1978 Birth of brilliance (cd 2)
1998 Brilliant from birth (cd 1)
2009 Essential masters

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Testo Della Canzone

I want home di Bee Gees

Take off your dress,
put on a new one,
I’m going to take you out tonight.
Put on a dress,
make it blue one,
Everything’s gonna be all right

I want home again
so I can be with you, with you.
I want home again
to do the things you do, you do, yeah.

Take off your dress,
put on a new one,
I’m going to take you out tonight.
Put on a dress,
make it a blue one,
everything’s gonna be all right.

I want home again
so I can be with you, with you.

Take off your dress,
put on a new one,
I’m going to take you out tonight.
Put on a dress,
make it a blue one,
everything’s gonna be all right.

I want home again
so I can be with you.,with you.
I want home again
to do the things you do, you do yeah.

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