Walk away


È contenuto nei seguenti album:
1998 The complete reprise studio recordings -disk 16

Testo Della Canzone

Walk away di Frank Sinatra

Walk away, please go before you throw your life away,
A life I could share for just a day.
We could have met some years ago. For your sake I’ll say,
Walk away, just go, walk away and live a life that’s full with no regret.
Don’t look back to me, just try to forget.
Why build a dream that cannot come true, so be strong,
Reach the stars now, walk away, walk on.
If I heard your voice, I’ll beg you to stay,
So don’t say a word, just run away.
Goodbye, my love, my tears will fall now that you’re gone,
I can’t help but cry but I must go on.
I’m sad that after searching so long,
Knew I love you but told you, walk away, walk on.

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