The message


È contenuto nei seguenti album:
1973 Desperation

Testo Della Canzone

The message di Ivan Graziani

Everybody is going to get a woman today. Everybody is going to have some money today. Money, woman, car and that’s to travel away drinking every even to the end of your days. Everybody listen what I’m trying to say! Everybody is going to get a woman today. Everybody is going to get some money today. Money, woman, car and that’s to travel away drinking every even to the end of your days. Everybody listen what I’m trying to say! If you will hear my words your days will pass you by but don’t you worry now, your mind will be alright. If you won’t hear my words sadness will pass you by but don’t you worry now, your mind will be alright. Everybody is going to get a woman today. Everybody is going to have some money today. Money, woman, car and that’s to travel away drinking every even to the end of your days. Everybody listen what I’m trying to say!

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