The Tartar song


È contenuto nei seguenti album:

Testo Della Canzone

The Tartar song di Ray Charles

A knife does all the talking for a Tartar!
And it speaks in cutting phrases to the foe!
For it soon can change a foeman to a martyr,
Suddenly strikes its blow!
When Tartar wives have other serenaders,
Then the knife can make their vocalizing fade!
If you would win a Tartar girl
Show her the Tartar blade!
For a fight you never have to ask us,
Tartar never have to be afraid.
Keep the steel they boast in Damascus.
It is second grade
To the Tartar blade
Yo, the Tartar!
Yo, the Tartar!
And his blade!
A Knife does all the talking for a Tartar!
And it speaks in cutting phrases to the foe!
For it soon can change a foeman to a martyr,
Suddenly strikes its blow!
When Tartar wives have other serenaders,
Then the knife can make their vocalizing fade!
If you would win a Tartar girl.

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