Mistletoe and Holly


È contenuto nei seguenti album:
2002 Christmas with the rat pack

Testo Della Canzone

Mistletoe and Holly di Frank Sinatra

Oh, by gosh, by golly
It’s time for mistletoe and holly
Tasty pheasants, Christmas presents
Countrysides covered with snow

Oh, by gosh, by jingle
It’s time for carols and Kris Kringle
Overeating, merry greetings
From relatives you don’t know

Then comes that big night
Giving the tree the trim
You’ll hear voices by starlight
Singing a Yuletide hymn

Oh, by gosh, by golly
It’s time for mistletoe and holly
Fancy ties an’ granny’s pies
An’ folks stealin’ a kiss or two
As they whisper, “Merry Christmas” to you

Then comes that big night
Giving the tree the trim
You’ll hear voices by starlight
Singing a Yuletide hymn]

Oh, by gosh, by golly
It’s time for mistletoe and holly
Fancy ties an’ granny’s pies
An’ folks stealin’ a kiss or two
As they whisper, “Merry Christmas” to you

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