Love is just around the corner


È contenuto nei seguenti album:
1998 The complete reprise studio recordings -disk 4

Testo Della Canzone

Love is just around the corner di Frank Sinatra

Beautiful miracle,
pardon my lyrical rhapsody,
But can’t you see,
you’ve captured me.
Being so glamorous,
can’t you be amorous just with me?
Make it soon, take a look at the moon.

Love is just around the corner,
any cozy little corner.
Love is just around the corner when I’m around you.
I’m a sentimental mourner,
and I couldn’t be a loner,
When you keep me in a corner just waiting for you.
Venus de Milo was noted for her charms,
But strictly between us,
you’re outer than Venus,
And what’s more you got arms.
So cuddle in a corner,
any cozy corner,
Love is just around the corner and I’m around you.

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