I stop and I breathe


È contenuto nei seguenti album:
2004 Peachtree road

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Testo Della Canzone

I stop and I breathe di Elton John

We are still all right
We took it on the chin
But in the thirteenth hour
No one ever wins
But we’re strong enough
Like traffic all tied up
And when the static clears
The radios still buzz

And I stop and I breathe
‘Cause you wanted me
And I wanted you so bad
And I stop and I breathe
‘Cause I still believe
No one really knows what it is that we have

Like blood in a vein
We chased this one down
And in the darkest long night
We turned it all around

And it was coal-dusted snow
That covered the fields
But the corn it still grew
And the injury healed

And I stop and I breathe
‘Cause you wanted me
And I wanted you so bad
And I stop and I breathe
‘Cause I still believe
No one really knows what it is that we have

And I stop and I breathe
‘Cause you wanted me
And I wanted you so bad
And I stop and I breathe
‘Cause I still believe
No one really knows what it is that we have

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